
Wednesday, January 13, 2021



But  share of truth in these thoughts is very less. It is true that in this time, the easiest and convenient way to learn about various types of subjects has become the reading of books, but to imagine that this is the only way to be educated is not right. Individuals with similar views hesitate to consider the ancient Indians, among whom there were few practitioners of writing and reading.

In fact, the interaction of education is not more than school reading. And what is called good education is another thing. Nowadays, in the eyes of the world, the main symptom of education is considered to be able to do a good job or earn a living by any other profession that is considered big. Because writing and reading are compulsory in all these works, nowadays only those who succeed in these works are considered educated.

This is the biggest difference between the ancient and the ancient education system. At that time, instead of practicing reading and writing with paper, pen and books, the main objective of education was to create the character of the student and make him able to interest himself and others in life collection. The second objective was that by turning a man not only a person to physicality, he turned his life towards spirituality. Because a person who considers other people as his own and does not take care of their interests and interests, will never prove to be the best citizen for the society. A selfish person who understands his material benefits and uses his intelligence to get more material for himself and deprives others of it, is undoubtedly a read fool at the test of the ancient ideal. To call him well educated is to insult education.

Gurukul system was developed for the system of education in ancient India. Each and every sage, Maharishi used to provide essential education for life by keeping hundreds, thousands of students with him. Paper was not invented at that time, so there was no question of teaching through books. At that time all types of education were imparted either in verbal or practical form. Therefore, the students of that time used to secure what they read for a lifetime by their memory. At the time there was no education system, like the present day examinations, to break the books and forget three quarters of the subjects studied in a few months.

At that time, whatever education was imparted in Gurukuls was completely practical. The student was first taught the text of Swavalamban, so that he could stand on his feet anywhere and under any circumstances in his upcoming life. By the age of twenty-five, his body was strengthened like a stone by following full celibacy. Living outside the villages or in the forest environment, his health and endurance were so strong that he was often safe from diseases and diseases. He had to participate fully in the essential tasks of the Guru and the Gurukul. Even dynastic students like Krishna had to collect sticks from the forest for the Guru. The grazing and caring of the cows was also the responsibility of the students and it was a huge task, because at that time each sage lived with thousands of cows and from time to time they would get thousands of cows donated to kings and Shri Maan. Were. It was considered to be the ultimate duty of the student to serve the Guru as much as possible and to obey his command in a literal manner, and the Guru also treated him as his child and always tried for his welfare. On the contrary, when we see boys and boys of school and colleges often laugh at their teachers, say insulting things about their subjects and sometimes even literally beat them up, then our eyes are bowed with shame and we pray that God save us from such education.

A major feature of the ancient education system was the promotion of social equality. In the Gurukuls, the students had to live with the simplicity of the standard, so that the difference of poor and rich would end in education. For the purpose of observance of celibacy, students had to stay away from all kinds of flamboyant dress, oil-puffle, fragrant boiling and dressing. The rule was laid down for the Brahmacharis by asking for alms from a village household for food. On the one hand, where there was a feeling of humility and humility in the heart of the student, on the other hand he used to think of himself as indebted and a part of the society and in future it became his duty to do social service. In this type of environment, even the poorest children could easily get higher education. Krishna and Sudama and Raja Drupada and Dronacharya receiving education as friends together are direct examples of this. The current education system has become very corrupted with this view. The education of colleges has become so expensive and there

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